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This page lists all of the functions in the LAMBDA Library. Proposed functions for the library may also be found on the candidates page.


  • LINTERP(xs,known_xs,known_ys) :: Linearly interpolate between the two nearest points
  • PINTERP(xs,known_xs,known_ys,n) :: Polynomial interpolation between the n+1 closest points in the table
  • CSPLINE(known_xs,known_ys,[x],[ms],[c]) :: Cubic Hermite Spline interpolation
  • NSPLINE(known_xs,known_ys,[x]) :: Natural Cubic Spline interpolation
  • SPLINE(known_xs,known_ys,[x],[cond_start],[cond_end]) :: C2 Interpolating Cubic Spline with specified end conditions

Equation Solvers

  • QUADRATIC(coeffs) :: Uses the quadratic formula to solve ax^2+bx+c=0
  • SOLVE_NR(function,xstart,[y]...) :: The Newton-Raphson method as a LAMBDA function

Sequences, Numbering, Grids

  • FIBONACCI(n) :: Return the first N values in the Fibonacci Sequence
  • ISUNIFORM(vector,[precision_n]) :: Returns {TRUE;step} if the sequence vector is evenly spaced or {FALSE;MAX(step)-MIN(step)}
  • LINSPACE(start,end,n) :: Sequence between start and end with n evenly spaced points
  • LOGSPACE(start,end,n) :: 10^LINSPACE. Sequence of evenly spaced points on logarithmic scale
  • RESCALE(array,lower,upper) :: Returns the array scaled to [lower,upper]
  • MESHGRID(xvec,yvec) :: Create a 2D grid of X-Y coordinates
  • SE(start,end) :: Create a sequence of integers or characters between start and end

Arrays (Both Numeric and Text)

  • CIRCSHIFT(array,n,[by_col]) :: Shifts the rows (or columns) of an array n times
  • COMBINATIONS(array1,array2) :: Returns an array of all combinations of rows within two arrays
  • COMBINR(array,r) :: Return all the combinations of size r from an nx1 array
  • FLIP(array,[dimension]) :: Reverses the order of the rows or columns of an array
  • FLIPLR(array) :: Reverses the order of the columns of an array
  • FLIPUD(array) :: Reverses the order of the rows of an array
  • PERMUTATIONS(array,n_chosen) :: Returns an array of all permutations chosen n at a time with repetition
  • REPARRAY(array,m_vert,n_horiz) :: Repeat an array m times vertically and n times horizontally
  • REPELEM(array,m_vert,n_horiz) :: Repeat the elements of an array m times vertically and n times horizontally.
  • REPLACEBLOCK(array,i,j,new_block) :: Replace a block within an array by specifying the starting (i,j) location
  • ROT_90(array,[n]) :: Rotates the array 90 degrees counterclockwise (not identical to transpose)
  • ROT_45(array,[n],[fill_width]) :: Rotates the array 45 degrees to make diagonals become rows
  • SLICE(array,row_start,row_end,col_start,col_end) :: Return a subset of an array by specifying row and column start and end indices
  • SPLICE(array,start_index,delete_count,insert_array,by_col) :: Splice an array to delete or insert rows or columns

Matrix Functions

  • ONES(m_rows,[n_columns]) :: Create an array or vector of ones, based on size of array or dimensions m,n
  • ZEROS(m_rows,[n_columns]) :: Create an array or vector of zeros, based on size of array or dimensions m,n
  • ROWSUM(matrix) :: Returns a column containing the sum of each row
  • COLSUM(matrix) :: Returns a row containing the sum of each column
  • CHOLESKY(A) :: Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric positive-definite matrix
  • CROSS(vec_a,vec_b) :: Returns the Cross Product of vectors a and b
  • DIAG(vector_or_matrix) :: Convert a vector to a Diagonal matrix or vice versa
  • DOT(vec_a,vec_b) :: Returns the Dot Product of vectors a and b
  • EIGENVALUE(matrix) :: Find the real eigenvalues of a matrix using the QR algorithm
  • HESS(A) :: Returns the Hessenberg of a square matrix using the Householder transformation
  • MAGNITUDE(a) :: Returns the magnitude of a vector or the magnitude of individual columns of a matrix
  • PASCAL(n) :: Returns a Pascal matrix of size nxn
  • QR(A) :: Returns the QR Decomposition of A using the Householder transformation process.


  • POLYFIT(known_xs,known_ys,n) :: Returns the coefficients for the nth-degree polynomial fit using LINEST
  • POLYVAL(coeffs,x) :: Evalutes the nth-degree polynomial p(x) at each value of x, using coefficients from POLYFIT.
  • POLYDER(coeffs) :: Returns the derivative of the polynomial defined by coefficients in descending order of power.
  • POLYINT(coeffs,[k],[a],[b]) :: Returns the integral of the polynomial with integration constant k, optionally evaluated from a to b
  • POLYADD(a,b) and POLYSUB(a,b) :: Add or subtract two polynomials
  • POLYMULT(a,b) :: Returns the coefficients of the polynomial found by multiplying polynomials a and b.
  • POLYDIV(a,b) :: Polynomial long division, returns the quotient and remainder of a / b.
  • POLYCOMPAN(coeffs) :: Returns the companion matrix for a polynomial defined by coeffs
  • POLYROOTS(coeffs) :: Find all the real and complex roots of a polynomial
  • POLYFROMROOTS(roots) :: Create a polynomial from a vector of roots
  • PPVAL(pp_array,xvec) :: Evaluate a Piecewise Polynomial at each value of x
  • PPINT(pp_array,[a],[b],[cumulative]) :: Definite Integral of a Piecewise Polynomial from a to b
  • PPDER(pp_array) :: Derivative of a Piecewise Polynomial

Calculus (Finite Differences and Integration)

  • DIFF(x) :: Calculate the difference between adjacent values of a column vector
  • FDIFF(x,h,n) :: Calculates n-th Finite Difference Derivatives assuming uniform spacing
  • PDIFF(x,y,n,order) :: Polynomial-based Finite Difference Derivatives for uneven spacing
  • TRAPZ(y,[x],[dx]) :: Numerical Integration using the Trapezoidal Rule
  • SIMPSON(y,[x],[dx]) :: Numerical Integration using composite Simpson's 1/3 Rule

Text Manipulation

  • TEXT2ARRAY(text,[dim]) :: Converts a text string to a row (dim=1, default) or column (dim=2) of characters
  • COUNTCHAR(text,char) :: Count the number of instances of char within text. char can be a string.
  • REMOVECHARS(text,chars) :: Removes all of the characters in chars (individually) from text.

Complex Numbers

See Topic: Complex Numbers

  • IM_ISCOMPLEX(matrix) :: Returns TRUE if a matrix includes at least one complex number
  • IM_CTRANSPOSE(matrix) :: Returns the conjugate transpose of a complex matrix
  • IM_DOT(a_vec,b_vec) :: Returns the Complex Dot Product of two vectors
  • IM_SUMPRODUCT(a_vec,b_vec) :: Returns the sum of the element-wise multiplication of a and b
  • IM_MMULT(a_mat,b_mat) :: Returns the matrix multiplication of a and b
  • IM_ROUNDTOZERO(inumber,[epsilon]) :: Makes any |coefficient| less than epsilon=1E-14 equal to zero
  • IM_ROUND(inumber,num_digits) :: Applies the ROUND function to the coefficients of inumber
  • IM_TOARRAY(inumber) :: Converts z=x+yi to an array {x,y}. inumber may be a column vector.


  • ROMAN2INT(text) :: Converts a Roman numeral like "XLII" to an integer

Address Functions

  • AD(cell,[abs_num],[a1_r1c1],[include_sheetname]) :: A shortcut version of ADDRESS
  • BOOKMARK(cell) :: Used with HYPERLINK to create a clickable link to another cell
  • Lambda Utilities

    • TIMER(n,function) :: Run a function n times and return the time in milliseconds
    • BYROW2D(array,function) :: Return a multi-column array instead of just a single column
    • BYCOL2D(array,function) :: Return a multi-row array instead of just a single row
    • VSTACK_ForEach(vector,function) :: VSTACK the result of expression for each value in a vector
    • HSTACK_ForEach(vector,function) :: HSTACK the result of expression for each value in a vector

    Other Functions

    • SFROUND(value,sig_figs,[round_opt]) :: Round a value to a number of significant figures
    • CUMULATIVESUM(array) :: Return a running total of values in an array
    • SCURVE(startdates,enddates,values) :: Generate S-Curves for project management task data