Templates for Teachers & Students
Download free Educational Spreadsheet Templates
Vertex42® provides many free spreadsheet templates and other printable charts, calendars, and schedules for educational purposes. Listed below are some of the templates designed specifically for teachers & students. To learn the basics of Excel, check out our new Excel Tutorials - created specifically for middle and high school students.
For Teachers
Track grades for your class using points, percentages, or gpa. Download contains multiple files. [Extract the .zip before opening in Excel]
Create weekly lesson plans to print on 8 1/2 x 11 paper.
For Word: Provides an outline for a college course syllabus with some sample text and an assignment schedule table.
Record classroom attendance using multiple monthly attendance forms in a single workbook. Includes a yearly summary.
Track classroom attendance weekly or monthly, listing tardies, unexcused absences, etc.
Track class attendance weekly using this simple spreadsheet.
Use this reward chart in a school classroom to reward good behavior.
Create a school calendar and publish it as a PDF using Excel 2010 or later
List the birthdays for your class. Then, print the calendar for any year and start month.
Customize a field trip permission form to send home to parents. For Microsoft Word.
Create and print a 14-month academic year calendar for any year.
Create a yearly lesson schedule for a weekly class with multiple teachers.
Create a snack schedule for a your class to have parents help out.
Customize and print an appointment schedule sign up sheet to put on your office door.
Keep track of class attendance on your mobile device using simple drop-down boxes. Have fun with different symbols for marking attendance.
Use this template to create a printable reimbursement form for your PTA or other similar organization.
Customize and print a monthly calendar with ideas for random acts of kindness.
For Students
Use a spreadsheet to track your homework assignments or print a blank homework list.
Get organized. List your assignments and plan your week to get your homework done.
Create a simple project schedule in Excel with just some basic cell formatting.
Create your class schedule for the new semester including courses and study times.
Print weekly student planner pages to help keep up with homework and activities.
Great for creating 3-dimensional drawings.
Useful for electronic floor plans, landscape plans. Printable inch, cm, isometric formats.
1/4", 1/5", 1/10" grids. Cm grids. Basic rule and engineering formats.
Keep up with your assignments and other activities using this 2-page student planner with columns for each subject and rows for each week day.
Plan your week and keep track of assignments and activities using this 2-page student planner with separate columns for each week day and rows for each subject.
Compute your cumulative GPA. Convert letter grades to points. Track semester-by-semester.
This SMART goals worksheet helps you structure and track a goal that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound.
A great alternative to using envelopes for keeping track of savings and spending money.
Create a college budget plan using this simple student budget worksheet.
Track your cash, checking, credit, and savings in Excel on your mobile phone.
Create a timeline in Excel using a Bubble Chart
Play a fun little game the demonstrates some fancy conditional formatting. This is a game somewhat like Minesweeper.
Customize and print a detailed periodic table for personal or classroom use. Color or Black and White.
Printable Math Summary Sheets
The following PDF files are a few of the summary sheets I developed as I attended college.
Vertex42 Spreadsheets in Education Scholarship
Beginning in 2017, Vertex42 is awarding a few scholarships to students who love spreadsheets! If you are planning on enrolling in an undergraduate program, click on the link below to learn more about the scholarship.
Scholarship Guidelines and Application