Printable Weekly Calendar Template
Download a free weekly calendar template for Microsoft Excel® to help plan and organize your time. If spreadsheets aren't your thing, you can also download a printable blank weekly calendar PDF and print as many copies as you need. We also have a more detailed weekly planner template if you are interested in printing planner pages with task lists and notes sections.
3-Week Calendar
for ExcelLicense: Private Use (not for distribution or resale)
This printable 3-week calendar allows you to fit more into your day than a typical monthly calendar does. If you print the entire worksheet, it will print 3 weeks per page for an entire year. It includes some common holidays and events. If you want to edit the spreadsheet instead of filling in the calendar by hand, you can use the color coding to highlight specific types of events or to highlight appointments for different members of the family.
There are no automated ways of adding recurring events, so if you want that type of feature for a weekly calendar, then I'd recommend using Outlook or Google Calendar.
Weekly Calendar Template
for ExcelDownload
⤓ ExcelLicense: Private Use (not for distribution or resale)
"No installation, no macros - just a simple spreadsheet" - by Jon Wittwer
Vertex42's weekly calendar is great for creating custom weekly schedules for home, school, and the office. To plan many weeks ahead, you can simply duplicate the worksheet and then rename the tabs and change the date listed at the top of each week.

This new weekly calendar template is much easier to use and customize than the original. If you would like an even simpler format, you can try our weekly schedule template.
You may also download the older version of the weekly calendar template for Excel 2003. It is great for printing blank weekly calendars, but does not work in Excel Online or Excel for iPad/iPhone.
Printable Weekly Calendar
The following PDF files were designed to be printed using a PDF reader. You can print and share as many paper copies as you want. If you want to share the electronic version, you may share a link to this page or use the social sharing buttons (Facebook, Google+, Twitter).
5 am to 8 pm (no dates)
Weekly CalendarWeekly Calendar, Monday-First
Blank (no hours or dates)
Blank Weekly CalendarBlank Weekly Calendar, Monday-First