Excel can be a useful tool for setting up very basic inventory, equipment tracking, and asset management systems. There are a lot of great asset tracking software tools out there, but if you just need a simple solution, you can download the free Asset Tracking Template below. It is particularly useful for tracking computer hardware, tools, repair equipment, and other fixed assets. For tracking software licenses, try our Software Inventory template.


For smallish companies, a simple spreadsheet like this may be all you need. However, if you need a more advanced asset management system, there are numerous software solutions designed for just that purpose. But, give the Vertex42 template a whirl and let me know if there are things you'd like it to do that it currently does not.

Asset Tracking Template

for Excel and Google Sheets
Asset Tracking Template for Excel


⤓ Excel (.xlsx)
For: Excel 2007 or later
⤓ Google Sheets

License: Private Use (not for distribution or resale)



The Asset Inventory worksheet is set up to help you include the following information:

  • Item description (Name, Description, ID Tag, Category)
  • Location (Department, Room)
  • Purchase information (Date, Supplier, Warranty expiration, Price)
  • Quantity and value (Condition, Unit value, Qty, Total value)
  • Details (Model no., Serial no., Link to Photo/Info)

Depending on your intended use, you may not need all of the columns, or you may want to add more. For example, if you don't put ID tags on your equipment, you may not need the "ID" column. Though, if you are really interested in tracking your equipment, you may want to consider ID tags.

The asset tracking template also contains a Suppliers worksheet, so you can keep track of supplier contact information for repair, maintenance, and warranty purposes.

"No installation, no macros - just a simple spreadsheet" - by

Example Uses for an Equipment or Asset Management Template

  • Computer software tracking
    - Keep a record of model numbers and serial numbers of computers in a small business setting
  • Equipment maintenance tracking
    - Keep track of warranty periods, purchase dates, and current value
  • Tool and other equipment tracking
    - If you run one or more maintenance or repair shops, track the location and availability of your tools and other equipment
  • Home inventory tracking
    - Keep a record of assets for insurance purposes. See the Home Inventory Spreadsheet

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Project Management Templates by Vertex42.com