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Excel Help

We mainly create templates, but we also write about general Excel topics to help you get more out of Excel and more out of our templates. Learn how to create drop-down lists, sparklines, and new charts in Excel 2016.

In addition to the blog posts below, check out our list of Excel Articles, especially our article about Theme-Enabled Templates which allow you to customize the colors and fonts in our templates with just a couple clicks of the mouse.

Create a Drop Down List in Excel

Create a Drop Down List in Excel

I love using drop down lists in Excel. In this article, I’ve tried to explain all of the techniques that I use for making drop-down lists, including simple yes/no options, checkbox substitutes, dependent lists for sub-categories, and using dynamic named ranges.

Using Unicode Character Symbols in Excel

Unicode Character Symbols

A one-stop reference for using Unicode character symbols in Excel, including ways to insert symbols and how to use them in drop-down lists, number formats, etc. Also includes tables of newer Unicode symbols.

Add Cool Features to Your To Do Lists in Excel

Special Features in Excel Task Lists

One of the best ways to learn new techniques in Excel is to see them in action. This post demonstrates how to add some fun and useful features to simple to do lists, including drop-down lists, check boxes, and progress bars.

6 New Awesome Chart Types in Excel 2016

6 New Awesome Chart Types in Excel 2016 thumbnail

Six awesome new charts! Learn how to create a histogram, box and whisker plot, waterfall, treemap, sunburst, and pareto chart in Excel 2016. By guest author, Kasper Langmann, from

Creating Business Forms with Customizable Lists

If you use an invoice or order form in Excel routinely, you may come across times when it would be handy to select items from a drop-down list and have other information update automatically. Here is an example.