Learn how to set up x-Input and x-Output Data Tables in Excel! With this technique you are no longer limited to 1-D or 2-D!
Multiple-Variable Data Tables in Excel

Need to create a project schedule? Try our Gantt Chart Template!
Learn how to use Excel better. If you love Excel and want to learn cool new tricks and tips, then this section of our blog is for you!
Learn how to set up x-Input and x-Output Data Tables in Excel! With this technique you are no longer limited to 1-D or 2-D!
Learn essential keyboard shortcuts for Excel and Google Sheets. Download a keyboard shortcut bingo sheet to help you learn hotkeys one at a time.
Learn over 20 different ways to use conditional formatting in Excel to do things like add color scales for data analysis, add data bars for in-cell charts and progress bars, and create a gantt chart.
Learn how to create and use custom number formats in Excel to display numbers in thousands or millions, add units such as “ft” or “lbs”, change font colors, add special symbols, and more.
This introduction to using Pivot Tables in Excel shows how to analyze monthly income and expenses by account, category, date, etc. Download the example spreadsheet to follow along. By guest author and Microsoft MVP, John MacDougall.
I love using drop down lists in Excel. In this article, I’ve tried to explain all of the techniques that I use for making drop-down lists, including simple yes/no options, checkbox substitutes, dependent lists for sub-categories, and using dynamic named ranges.
As an alternative to Power Map or 3D Maps, learn how to create a geometric heat map in Excel using shapes and a simple VBA macro. Guest post by Onur Yilmaz of Someka.net.
A one-stop reference for using Unicode character symbols in Excel, including ways to insert symbols and how to use them in drop-down lists, number formats, etc. Also includes tables of newer Unicode symbols.
One of the best ways to learn new techniques in Excel is to see them in action. This post demonstrates how to add some fun and useful features to simple to do lists, including drop-down lists, check boxes, and progress bars.