This page is for answering questions about Gantt Chart Template Pro that might not already be answered via the Help worksheet inside the spreadsheet.
Technical Support for Gantt Chart Template Pro

Need to create a project schedule? Try our Gantt Chart Template!
This page is for answering questions about Gantt Chart Template Pro that might not already be answered via the Help worksheet inside the spreadsheet.
A place to provide feedback and discuss the new weekly budgeting templates on
The request to be able to switch between daily, weekly, and monthly views has been added to the next version of Gantt Chart Template Pro.
At the risk of taking on more than I can handle, I’m making an offer to create at least one of the spreadsheet template ideas shared via this post.
Vertex42’s free Debt Reduction Calculator helps you create a plan for paying off your debts using a variety of different strategies. What strategies have worked best for you?
Google Docs has redefined old-style cell comments as “Notes” and has redefined a cell “Comment” to be more like a discussion thread for a specific cell.
Have questions prior to ordering the pro version of Vertex42’s Gantt Chart Template? Find the answers here.
What is a good way to get somebody to look at your business card more than once? Try adding a yearly calendar to it.
Vertex42 offers 100+ free templates for OpenOffice and LibreOffice as free .ods file downloads, including calendars, schedules, financial calculators, budget spreadsheets, invoices, checklists, logs, and more.
This article explains how to use the Debt Reduction Calculator to calculate the Monthly Payment that will help you reach your goal of paying off your debt in X number of years or months.
My personal list of headache and migraine triggers, and a headache log I created to help identify them.
If you use an invoice or order form in Excel routinely, you may come across times when it would be handy to select items from a drop-down list and have other information update automatically. Here is an example.
If you are interested in getting completely out of debt, paying off your mortgage may be the largest hurdle. Here is a list of strategies for paying off your mortgage early. Most of these strategies can be evaluated using the free Home Mortgage Calculator spreadsheet. With that spreadsheet you can estimate how much overall interest [...]
Announcement of the new Vertex42 Money Manager – a free powerful Money Management spreadsheet that can be used in place of other money management software.
One way to know if you want to follow a blog, listen to a talk-show, or even become someone’s friend, is to find out if the principles you want to live by match up with the other person. So, here is Vertex42’s list of personal finance principles. Update 10/27/2015: I’ve added the Principle of Sufficiency [...]